Hey yall, I just need to talk. You know one thing about life is life be lifing sometimes. (Trust for the grammar police, I am aware lifing is not a word, but it is today, lol).
So, have you ever felt like no one's really listening to you? Whether it's with friends, family, your partner, at work, or just in life in general. I get it, it's tough. It's awesome when you finally find someone who actually listens to you, and when you're done talking, you feel like they really heard you. Like, the person you were venting to or opening up to genuinely listened and took the time to respond with empathy, just wanting to be there for you instead of trying to fix everything. Sometimes, you just need to be heard, and then see that their actions show they listened and understood how you feel.
I totally get this because sometimes I just need someone to hear me out. You know, listen to my worries, my fears, my feelings, and not always try to fix me—just listen. About a year ago, my home life flipped upside down, and it wasn't just a little change; it was a huge shift that affected everyone at home. Even though I tried to say I didn't agree with the plans being made, things still went ahead. Now, before I go on, I know some might say, "Why didn't you just leave?" or "If it were me, I wouldn't put up with that." Honestly, if someone told me they were in the same situation, I'd probably be the first to say, "Pack your stuff and leave, or kick them out ASAP because no way!" But I stayed. I say it was because of love, which is true, but also because I didn't want to walk away when I knew I could help. I just felt like we needed to talk things through before taking on this big responsibility because it was a lot for everyone.
Anywho, so in this moment as one of the people that would be very much affected by the turn of events and not to mention my home, my safe place, my world of stability to be rocked to its core I simply stated I think we need to wait before we add anyone else to our home so that we can get things coordinated but also to help with the adjustment for all parties involved. I said this time after time again. Of course in this moment I was definitely not being heard, we talked and yes you listened to respond but not really taking into consideration my feelings and never even really noticing that I was no longer happy. I felt in that moment that I had really no one to talk to, several reasons why.
I would speak to people and vent but it was like no one at all really listened to listen but rather they listened to pass judgement and let's be real I can take a lot of stuff true indeed but right now instead of so much telling me how stupid I am or you better than me or you will be ok and its so nice you are there to take care of things I really needed just someone to listen to me, tell me yes what you can do in the situation hell for a moment I really felt stupid and was thinking if this is the life I want to live but to be honest I really just needed to talk.
Of course there is so much more to this story, but trust I will save that storytime for another day. Just know that things are now in a much better place and I feel that when I speak now I am being heard and I am really being taking into consideration. Sometimes I realized that I really just needed to talk and to be heard. No I don't need to be fixed but just being heard.
Now before anyone can say, she wants someone to agree with her and always be on her side that is definitely not what I would want or what I would advise for anyone to have in their life. Having a yes man or woman is not being heard because my thing is someone that is a yes person is not listening to you because they care or have your best interest at heart they are only here to agree with everything you say or do just to make you happy and in the end you do not need that at all because that person will not help you to feel better at all because what benefit are you getting from a yes person. I can answer for myself and it is nothing at all other than frustration and aggravation. I just feel that having someone you can really talk to and listen is what we all need in our lives.
Some may claim I don't trust people and can't open up, but everyone needs someone to talk to, even if it's just a conversation with GOD. That dialogue with GOD can offer guidance and empowerment. It can encourage you to reach out to your mom, sister, friend, or even express yourself on social media through posts and videos. While there may be negative responses, I now understand that for some, this is the only way to feel heard. I used to wonder why anyone would do that, thinking they just wanted attention. However, I've come to realize that many simply need someone to listen, and this is their best option. I understand it now, like with my blog.
This week, as we joyfully approach the holiday season, let's seize the opportunity to truly connect! For those of us who have someone reaching out to talk, let's listen with empathy. It's not just about responding or passing judgment, but genuinely understanding their feelings and what they're sharing. I've always been the kind of person others feel comfortable opening up to, providing a safe and welcoming space for them to express themselves without fear of judgment. And while I promise honesty and upfront advice if asked, it's always shared with love. So, I encourage you all to take the time to engage in heartfelt conversations or be that supportive person someone can turn to. This time of year can be challenging for many, and sometimes all they need is someone to say, "Let's talk!"
Wishing you an amazing Thanksgiving! I'll be back the first week of December, and I'm bursting with excitement for the start of 2025 because I've got some incredible things lined up just for you! Don't miss out on my fantastic holiday deals on bodycare products, kicking off this week and running through New Year's with new offers every week! Visit the site, support a small business, and support me, y'all! Seriously though, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you need someone to chat with, leave a comment and let's talk!
Love you always
Self care = Top Tier Love
I've found that when we just put out burdens in the Lord's hands it eases our worries. Everyone needs someone to just listen at times and to put themselves in their position and truly feel what that person is going through. I myself is famous to say "put them out " or I'm going to leave them " because that's what I did in the past. Not saying it was the right thing to do but that wad the only thing I knew to do at that time. Great post!!